Disney recently held a media preview event for Tron Lightcycle/Run. Media outlets and several travel agencies were invited to attend the special event.
The media event kicked off with an introduction to Tron Lightcycle/Run by the ride’s creative team.

Behind-the-Scenes Look
The ride’s custom-built vehicles were on display. The creative team explained how they were designed to give riders the feeling of riding a lightcycle from the Tron films.

One of the amazing features of the ride is its projection system. Its advanced visuals and special effects to create a 360-degree environment around riders. This advanced technology sets the ride apart from others, making it a standout attraction.

Exclusive Preview of the Queue
One of the most amazing parts of the ride is the waiting area. The media preview of the ride gave guests an early look at how it looks. It makes visitors feel like they’re in the world of Tron. The waiting area has cool, modern designs and bright, glowing lights. This makes it possible to have things that guests can play with and special effects that get them excited for the ride.

First Ride on Tron Lightcycle/Run
The highlight of the media event was the chance to take the first ride on Tron Lightcycle/Run. The ride was described as a high-speed coaster-style attraction that takes guests on a thrilling journey through the digital world of Tron. Attendees experienced sharp turns, sudden drops, and high speeds as they raced through the Tron grid.

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The media event was a huge success. More importantly, it generated a lot of excitement and buzz for the upcoming Tron Lightcycle/Run attraction. As a result, the ride’s advanced technology and immersive design, and many eagerly anticipate its official opening.
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