On Season 2, Episode 2, the Mouse Ears Podcast tries something new: a challenge! What is the challenge you may ask? Brooks, Kelton, and Stephanie become Imagineers for a day! These three theme park fanatics will pick one ride from either Disney or Universal to replace, refurb, OR bring back. The rules of this episode are simple: Each presenter will have 10 minutes to pitch to the other hosts how they would refurb an existing ride, bring back an existing ride and how they would improve it, or if they are replacing a ride, what are they replacing it with. They can also pitch potential merchandise opportunities, possible specialty food options, and what would be their timeline for the project. After the presentation, they will open the floor for questions if time permits within the 10-minute time limit.
The best part? You, the audience, will pick the winner of the best pitch! Once the episode airs, the voting polls will open up to the Facebook group and on Spotify until Sunday (one week long). The winner of the showdown will get to pick a spontaneous topic for a future episode of the Mouse Ears Podcast! Will the hosts be able to stick to the rules? Will there be any honorable mentions? Only one way to find out! So, put on your favorite mouse ears and we hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed recording it!
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Want more of the MEP agents?
Brooks Walker
Facebook: @Fairytale Journeys by Brooks
Instagram: @ftjbybrooks
Kelton Ivers-Osthus
Facebook: @Fairytale Journeys by Kelton
Instagram: @ftjtravelbykelton
Stephanie Perret-Gentil
Facebook: @Fairytale Journeys by Stephanie Perret-Gentil
Instagram: @ftjbystephaniepg
You can also check the latest Disney News on our blog
This podcast is sponsored by Fairytale Journey’s Travel, an Earmarked Platinum status with Disney, Preferred Travel Agency with Universal Orlando, and Gold Level with Sandals/Beaches. You can find Fairytale Journeys Travel on social media by searching FTJ on your favorite social media platform, or check us out online: www.fairytalejourneys.com.